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HELP - World-wide pandemic without vaccine


Pornography is by far the most sought after materials on the internet today. It has become so rampant in the world today more than any other time in history. The devil has succeed in perverting sex, a good and desirable thing created by God for the enjoyment of the man and woman in marriage and turn it to a show of mockery. Sex has become an open show in the clubs. Parties, among strangers in open air. Satan has released wicked spirit of lust to possess people and push them to question why they cannot make love in public places.

The devil has also possessed millions of men and women worldwide who do not care about the damage to the society of their pornographic activities. All that matters to them is the money that flow into their accounts. The actors themselves are busy advertising their body and asking their victim to book for their services, so you have men and women of all age bracket from the teens to Grannies who have covenanted with Satan and pay allegiance to the Queen of the Coast to debase and destroy mankind and sent millions to hell fire.

Because of the sinful nature of man, the addictive nature of pornography cannot be underestimated. Man is naturally drawn to the opposite sex. the eyes delights in seeing whatever the mind thinks is not right and the flesh inside us (the old man) loves to see and enjoy pleasure.

A pornographic clip therefore becomes the kicker to the enjoyment the flesh wants to see. Naked pictures and video clips of beautiful women are too difficult a temptation for a canal man to resist if the Word of God is not dwelling inside of him.

For the men, the lust starts from the eyes, which sees the naked pictures and clips. This picture is then "cultured" in the laboratory of the heart through meditation until the heart begins to see mental pictures of sex movies you can ever imagine. Sometimes the devil will show you strange pictures in order to retain that evil thought in your mind.. You will begin to lust after beautiful women you see in the street, wishing they could be yours - terrible hmnnn. 

After lusting for these women in your heart for long (the devil sustaining it), the flesh or your body begin to seek action. You have transited to lust of the flesh. The flesh will convince you that the excitement is worth seeing and that having real fun will do you good. After all, you have been without a woman for months. This is the devil speaking to you!

Mr  flesh will then push you to go and see what happened in the video clip or CD you sighted in the beginning, after which you begin to call your old girlfriends to reconcile with them or become nice to ladies close to you, your colleagues or even neighbors.  Mr flesh has succeeded in stretching you to the full. In all these, the devil will make sure the Word of God will not enter your spirit to interrupt you. So you are in a hurry to look good and reconcile with any girl just to have fun, after which you will regret all the stress.

This process is played back to the mind to keep the person addicted and unstable spiritually. Pornography is lusting after the opposite sex in the heart, a sinful act mentioned in Matt 5:28. In 1John 2:16, the bible says the motion and tension pornography bring to bear on people are not of the Father, but of the world, so you have the right and authority to resist it with the Word of God and prayer.

The good news is that not everyone that sees porn will become addicted to it. Some will get away with shock and unbelief; others will have strange ideas about women and sex. For instance some people after seeing it thinks women are worthless, only good when a man want to "do spot". Others will think that marriage is not worth it if a woman can dehumanize themselves as they do in pornographic clips. These are altogether unhealthy thoughts for a godly society.

Those who become addicted have some existing emotional challenges that will allow the demon of lust to take root.  The bible said if you sow unto the flesh, you reap corruption. if you acquire naked picture if women and hang in your room, you welcome the demon of lust and soon, you will start lusting after women, masturbating and watching porn. If as a lady, you're greedy for money, you will end up in prostitution and you will be forced to do  things that are not convenient. If you notice unusually urge for sex or evil voice telling you to misbehave, you should urgently seek help from genuine men of God, close confidants, else the devil can easily put you in bondage.

The spirit of lust is a difficult spirit to cast away in deliverance. You can cast it away, but if the Word of God is not living in that life, and such a person is not ready to live a holy life, merely seeing a seductively dressed woman  or a naked picture can trigger up lust again. This is why believers must flee nakedness in all its form. The enemy is releasing naked pictures and clips of people you cannot believe to tell the world that nakedness is normal. NO. Its a trap of the enemy. Hear me beloved; until you overcome lust and its motions, you can hardly live a pure and holy life that is pleasing to God.

Child of God, flee from anything naked for heaven sake.  I was in a religious camp many years ago, when all of a sudden; the devil took hold of a woman early in the morning when we were hurrying to bath. She took a bucket of water to the centre of the bathing area, removed her wrapper and started bathing naked out there. That misconduct caused ripples in the heart of men that day in the camp. Nakedness has an arresting power on even the elect, avoid it.

Pornography is today the number 1 addiction in the USA and indeed the world. This pandemic tears people and relationships apart.  Many have died watching porn, others have crashed their cars while watching porno while driving. With sophistication in communication and with internet on the phones, it is now readily available for free, accessible and still anonymous. People in high and low places assess the illicit sexual materials in the confined of their cars, houses, and during night hours without being discovered, but with great consequences of being addicted to watching pornography and loosing their salvation and heaven.

Many people are today suffering the emotional shame of being a child of God in the church and being a porn addict at home. Many cannot bear it and so they are withdrawing from church activities because of guilty conscience.

Some people reading this piece will wonder why is  a Prophet man of God writing about pornography. Why should we not find the way out of this deadly trap of Satan, which nobody is ready to address. Secret sins are difficult to uproot, once they have taken root, but God will help any of you suffering this problem in Jesus name. Many have given their heart to Jesus, yet  this lustful habits refuse to go because it is a sin of the heart.

This is the terrible worldwide pandemic that has no vaccine, the world Health Organization, USAIDS etc are not even interested in handling it to help humanity. In fact, it could even be going on right in their offices around the world and destroying marriages, children and the women folk. Meanwhile, check out the social problems this pandemic is causing worldwide. The pandemic called pornography is responsible for:

1. Rise in rape cases around the world.
2. Rise in cases of sexually transmitted diseases, rise in.
3. Rise in prostitution and all manner of illicit behaviour
4. Rise in child pornography
5. Rise in office romance
6. Rise in cases of infidelity which is ravaging homes.
7. Rise in separation and divorce cases in marriage

As Christians, the danger of pornography is grave.  It is capable of making millions finish their race in hell fire. It is one of the traps of Satan to hinder spiritual growth and progress of a child of God. It makes their victim spiritually unstable as they continue to repent everyday of the same sin. over time, it becomes difficult for them  to pray to God and exercise spiritual authority over the devil as a child of God.

It brings the feeling of guilt on the child of God, who is born again and probably speaking in tongues, yet the problem persists. Let me assure people passing through this problem that there is solution in Christ Jesus.

Pornography cast aspersions on the kingdom services of a child of God. They are seen as being committed to the work of God, but in the realm of the spirit, their work is not accepted. Once our services are not accepted, our prayers would also not be accepted for the prayer of a sinner is an abomination before God. The brother or sister in question becomes vulnerable to attack and affliction from the pit of hell. Secret sins like masturbation, watching pornography, lusting for the opposite sex  are traps of the enemy to nullify the services of careless children of the kingdom. 

It is also used in putting such believers in bondage.  A story is told of a committed lady in the choir of a church who died in her sleep and when her room was broken into, it was found out that she was masturbating with a vibrator and the vibrating machine was still working, while she had passed on. The enemy wasted her service in the house of God through masturbation.

We are in the era of seduction mentioned in the bible. It will be so strong that even the very elect will struggle to escape, we are approaching that period. The elect and the church of Christ must stand up against act or behaviour that pollutes the environment and the church. All seductive appearance must be openly rebuked; compromising positions in and outside the church should be rebuked. All forms of naked appearances to please self and "belong" to the happening babes class should be rebuked openly in the church of God.


1. Acknowledge you have a problem and ask for God's help. Don't justify yourself on any ground.
2. Recognize it for what it is  - a sin
3. Accept your self-will cannot deliver you.
4. Repent and ask God to forgive you
5. Destroy every naked pictures and materials around you
6. Guide your eyes and your heart. Do not meditate on evil thwings, only meditate on good and pure things.
7. Bind and cast out every evil thought that comes into your mind. Know that such thoughts come to all men, so it is your duty to cast it out. 
8. Avoid browsing the internet when you are alone or at night when all are sleeping
9. Take your eyes off the opposite sex except your own wife. Don't meditate on the beauty of any woman in your heart.
10. Take your mind and thought away from sex. Avoid corrupt jokes and worldly song. Pursue the Word of God, to study and meditate on it daily.
11. Get actively involved in church group activities to utilize your spare times/hours.
12. Pursue after righteousness and meditate on God's love and purpose for your life.
13. After repentance, plan to do something big for God.


Email us for any enquiries and counselling.

Marine Spirits


These are vicious sexual spirits that afflict people with uncontrollable sexual lust and desire. The marine spirits that afflict women is called Incubus, while the one that afflict the men is called Succubus.

These are evil spirit of lust, sexual perversion and sexual misconduct. When they possess a person, such a life is dangerous to the society. They attack people when they sleep whether in the day or night, depending on how long such people has kept their attack secret.

They appear in the persons dream to caress and kiss them or subject that person to sexual stimulations that will motivate him to have sex. This exercise can be so intense and pleasurable that the person reaches orgasm, while on bed alone.
All kind of sexual perversion can be stimulated by these spirit on their victim to dehumanize them, afflict them cause them to have little value for their body. 

These are the powers behind incest, masturbation, rape and other sexual crimes.

Once these demons posses a person, his or her sexual life becomes miserable. That person is no longer himself or herself. The demon begins to make sexual demands at places and times that is not convenient. For instance, a young man tormented by demon of masturbation can be coerced to masturbation in the office toilet during office hours, not minding the consequences of such act.

When this evil spirit operates in the life of a lady, one thing is sure. No one man can satisfy her sexual desire and marriage will be a problem for such a lady. She will be feeling horny always and  cannot hold herself when the evil spirit is moving her. If she did nothing to find solution to the problem, the spirit will push her into prostitution. 

Story is told if a first class undergraduate girl who cannot sleep a day without sex. For her to study all-night, she must have sex and immediately after, she can study all night - it’s the handwork of demon from the marine kingdom.

The longer a person allow the activities if any of these demons in their lives, the lower such a person will sink into sexual immorality of all kind Such a person soon becomes filthy and animalistic, so that when they see the opposite sex, the only thing that comes to their mind is sex. How such a lady/woman will be on bed. This is the spirit that pushes ladies to different men and when such women see a bore-headed man, they will start smiling - they will tell you that bore-headed men are very strong on bed.


1. These are enslaving spirits that put people in sexual bondage. This is one of the most difficult spiritual battles to fight because the flesh in man love pleasure and every move of the spirit of lust, in the form of pornography or masturbation will start with intensity and pleasure, only to end up in regret.

Sexual bondage is a hard battle because the flesh inside of you will always justify your action with an excuse. Ask Lesbians why they dehumanize themselves, they will tell you they don't want any man to abuse or lord over them. Ask women who cheat in the office why they do that  they will say their husband is no longer interested in them.

Ask hotel attendants who sleep with hotel quests for money or the hairdresser or office worker who turns to a pimp at night why they do these kind of wickedness to themselves..they will say their pay cannot take care of them. They are all in the bondage of the spirit lust, its not ordinary. Unfortunately, Only a few people see demonic affliction as a problem. Until you so recognize it, you cannot be free. Any lady who have been in this condition needs deliverance.

2. The strongest tool of marine agents is sex. They keep people in bondage through sex through spell and arrows of lust. Spell is different from arrows of lust. while a spell could manipulate your behaviour towards certain areas, make you week in prayer and resistance, arrows has the power to enforce a specific command or action they want to see.

3. They imitate the Holy Spirit of God by discussing as Him to speak to the ears of even the elect. This is why, whenever you hear a voice in the spirit, you must verify it and be sure it is from God, else it could be the voice of marine spirit (the devil)

4. This wicked spirit is behind sexual perversion on earth today. From Pornography,to Lesbianism, to artificial Virginia, pennies to sexual robots and toys to deepen sexual immorality in the world. It is the spirit behind seduction, nakedness of women.

5. This is the spirit that the all people to walk naked in the street, make love in public places.  It is the spirit that make a small boy propose and marry a woman, older than his mother.It is this spirit that makes an old woman loose value for her body and age.

6. This wicked filthy spirit work closely with the spirit of witchcraft and all marine agents are witches and wizards.

7. They possess people through evil dedication, having multiple sexual partners, curses, watching pornographic videos and practising masturbation.


To be ignorant of the consequences of filthy thoughts is to prolong the person's suffering. Sexual bondage start from the mind, the mind is held captive that it cannot think right, it continues to fill you will pictures of sexual activities.
This is the spirit that posses some ladies in the church and use them to pollute the church. When you see a married woman who love dressing scantly like a teenager, there is  marine or witchcraft spirit  is in operation. 

The spirit will use such women to pollute the church and water down the holiness in the church for amorous relationships to develop among members of the church.


The marine powers are very wicked spirit that enslave people through sex. Those ladies offering cheap sex in the brothels and ckub s and bars are marine agents collecting peoples sperms to lock up under the water and destroy the efforts and labour of such a man from that day.

They use prostitutes, hotel attendants, demonically possessed ladies and witches to collect sperms of men to destroy them.To make matters worse, most marine agents are quite, patient and very intelligent. People easily like them and those of them educated get job easily, yet they are very wicked and deadly.
They are ready to do the bidding of Satan on an individual, company or even to their family. Because of the dual spirits of marine and witchcraft, they can see into the spirit realm at any time and so they are terrible destiny hunters. The use the following places as spots for collection of human sperms:

1. Hotels, clubs and sexually polluted bars
2. University campuses
3. Secondary school dormitory.
4. Cold and dead churches.
5. Private and public offices, ministries and parastatals.
6. Market places

They release their members into these places to hunt for the sperm and destiny of men and children. They appear with seductive dresses to pollute and capture careless men. Your destiny will not be captured in Jesus name.


You can come out of the bondage of marine spirit and their demons. It is a battle you must overcome if you hope to fulfill your God given destiny.  No matter how entrenched the power has operated in your life, it is possible for you to receive your deliverance right here if you can pray the prayers given below with faith in your heart.


1. MARKS ON YOUR BODY: If you have marks on your body. This could indicate evil dedication into the marine kingdom. Most marks other than tribal marks are  marks of evil dedication.

2. Hearing Voices and strange command: If the thought of sex dominate your mind always, you are under marine spirit attack. If you hear voices asking you to kiss, Hugh or caress someone, or voice asking you to spank the bombom of a lady, whether she is your girlfriend or not, you are under marine attack.

3. If you constant see the picture of a naked woman or ladies or people making love, whether real or not. if you are always attracted to the bom or breast of a woman ( those are the places where the demon of lust sits - on their breast and buttocks).

4. UNCLEAN DREAM: - Dreams of sexual intercourse indicate the activities of marine spirit. It means you are consciously or unconsciously mardied to a spirit being. when you now have children in the dream, it confirms the spiritual marriage. If in your dream, you see all kinds of sexual perversion, it means the demon want to pervert you deeper into immorality

These spirits are responsible for filthy thought that people harbour. Thoughts and actual interest in seeing the nakedness of neighbours or people even on the internet, watch it and resist it, otherwise you open the door for demons into your life. If you have ever seen an opposite sex and begin to lust for her/him to the extent of imagining the pleasure of sleeping with him/her, you are in the bondage of marine powers.

You find it difficult to keep a relationship for long time. You think one man cannot satisfy your sexual urge or you like every tall man you see. Some men cannot take their eyes off fat ladies, it is bondage.  You need to breakout of it.

One of the purposes of the activities of marine spirit is to stop their victim from getting married here on the earth. They claim ownership of their victim as their wives or husbands. These wicked spirit force ladies to have children from different men, but would never allow any of the men to marry her.

1. Repent of your sins and invite Jesus into your heart.
2. Pursue after righteousness and purity
3. seek deliverance and help of your self deliverance prayers did not resolve the problem
4. Break every evil dedications made on your behalf, evil agreements and covenants.
5. Destroy every naked pictures around you. Flee from all nakedness.
6. Desist from fornication and adultery
7. Desist from oral sex and all forms of sexual perversion
8. Desist from masturbation and the use of sexually toys and drinks. Artificial pennies, Virginia etc.
9. Be strong to cast out every evil though that enters your heart.
10. The prayer should be with fasting for 3 or 7 days.

Email your questions and enquiries to us.

Marrying a marine agent as a wife

I perceive that God has designed it that men and women who will serve Him should pass through different spiritual wilderness experiences. The tough challenges of this School of adversity is expected to draw the man or woman closer to God and cause him learn how to pray fervently until victory is achieved.

The problem now is that the wilderness is full of enemies, the Amelekites, the Perezites, The Jebusites, and the giants who have refused to let them go. One of such enemy confronting existing and upcoming ministers of God today is the error of marrying ladies sent to destroy them from the marine kingdom.

These ladies are enemies of destiny prepared by Satan and his kingdom to stop the kingdom assignment of the prophet, Pastor or man of God. I have seen great prophets of God who see vision clearly and prophesy accurately, yet they are still struggling in ministry because the activities of the internal enemies.

The error is so grievous that when you marry the daughter of Satan, the devil has unfettered access to yout. It becomes a tragedy that a man called by God to destroy the works of Satan, ends up marrying the daughter of Satan as his wife, such a Pastor will suffer long in the wilderness of life.

The choice of a life partner can be an icebreaker that could make or breaking the man. It can determine how far and successful the man will go in life. If you get it right, God applauds you with open heavens and blessings (Prov18:22), if otherwise,  the heaven closes over you and the consequences can be painful and frustrating.  

The reason for this blog is to expose the strategy of Satan in this area and warn young  and single Pastors and ministers to beware.  It is also to help those men of God who are suffering this problem in silence to know that deliverance is available through Jesus Christ.


Let me start by advising young men who are in love with a sister they intend to Marty to look beyond the beauty, but rather ask God to reveal the spiritual position of the lady and her parents to you before you propose her.

It is not enough for her to be intelligent, well educated and cultured. Beauty is not the first qualification for a woman of God, it is her love for God and her fear of the Lord.  When God reveals the family of the girl as lovers of God, then you add her beauty and other qualities as genuine. If this enquiry is not made or God simply decided not to answer you, then you don't have a bride yet.
To say that you love her so much as to ignore this simple spiritual enquiry is foolishness. If you become obsessed by her beauty and outward commitment to the things of God in your local church and ignore to enquire about her parents, don't be surprised if you discover later that your innocent-looking girl is the daughter of an occultic grand master, by which time, it is too late to make amends.

By the time you have married her, you know you have broken the hedge, get ready for battle, for the serpent will surely bite.  She will be a thorn on your flesh till God delivers you from their network.

This was how my 18years of fierce spiritual battle started. I was a young man with so much love for the things of God and highly committed in my local church. Though I knew I had a Call, it was not confirmed and I was not a Pastor yet. I loved righteousness and had no girlfriend before meeting her, but my spiritual understanding was low. I believed all things as the bible said we should. I never knew that you should test all spirit before you believe.

After three years in marriage without a baby and nothing seem to be working for me, I began to question everything around the marriage and my complaints did not go down well with my wife who contacted her family and the real battle began. This gentle looking lady began to deal wisely with me, frustrating in the spirit, every move I made for employmet,  business  and in ministry for the next fifteen years.

I loved my wife and cannot imagine she could have a hand in my misfortune, talk less of her being responsible for spiritual roadblocks to hinder my progreas.  She became more subtle and followed me closely into every business undertaking I ventured into.


There are two categories of servants of God the enemy target with his daughters from the water. These are: 

1. People with oil of God on their head, who are not even aware. 
2. The second category are young and unmarried  Pastors, Ministers and Evangelist in churches who are getting ready to enter the ministry. 


The primary purpose of Satan and the agent sent on the assignment are:

1. The first plot is to hold the man down, divert his attention from the work of God into other areas of life and gradually kill his vision.
2. Take away his means of livelihood (Employment or business) and ensure money does not flow into his account from anywhere. When that happens, power has been wrestled from him at home.
3. Make sure his Ministry never see the light of day. If it does, do every thing possible to close it down. 
4. lf he insist on ministry, manipulate him to a fake Prophet, who will initiate him into the marine kingdom and give him fake power. 
5. When the above fails, then that Pastor is in for endless spiritual battles meant to purnish him and if possible destroy him.


It is a living spiritual kingdom established by Satan when he was driven down from heaven. The marine Kingdom initiates and support every plan to turn man away from God in disobedience.

Because the spiritual controls the physical, they are more powerful than any natural man’s imaginations and thoughts.  They have spiritual beings - kings and queens presiding inside the water. On earth here, they have their agents everywhere, who gather every night to discuss the kingdom of Satan and how to make the people commit more sin and rebel against God to their destruction.

These agents live amongst us, attend churches, some even preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, but inwardly, they are agents doing the agenda of their master the devil. 

They have a spiritual eyes that can see into the spirit realm at any time to know what will happen and with these secrets, its easy for them to steal or divert the blessings of people. 

In the world today, the marine kingdom is responsible for 70 – 80% of the troubles of man.  From divorce, pornography, bizarre nakedness, prostitution are caused by marine spirits. Today, marine spirit tell people to walk naked on the beach. They have devised new methods  to initiate young people into prostitution through online registers. They tell people to sleep around, irrespective of what the word of God says. The aim is to ruin the youths and society in general. 
In the Western world, their members manufacture cosmetics, jewelries, bangles, cosmetics,  sex toys, artificial Virginia, cream for  enlargement of pennis, sexually motivating drugs and so on. 

There are several marine spirits (demons) which could possess a man and use him/her to achieve the purposes   of satan.  Some of these include:

1.Celibate marine 
2.Marine Jezebel
3.Marine witchcraft
4.Leviathan spirit

Let me discuss a little about some of these spirits.

Celibate marine spirit – These are spirit that operate in the lives of marine agents who are consecrated to the work of satan and to wickedness.  They have no interest in getting married, but if they get married, they do not want to have children. Their wives cannot enjoy the marriage and she will soon leave or get killed.   This spirit operate in the lives of most Territorial strongmen of Satan.

Marine Jezebel spirit – operate in both male and female. They are more active in their female members.  Such women are usually fashion conscious, rebellious and aggressive. They seek to control and dominate their husband and will not stop till they achieve their purpose.

Leviathan Spirit – This is a brutal marine spirit responsible for mass killing.  People possessed by this spirit are usually filled with suicide thoughts.  They walk alone when they are planning evil, so that no one will get to know and then try to discourage them. When you read that a boy shot 15 of his class mates, Leviathan spirit had possessed him.  This is the spirit that posses a young man and cause him to kill an unfaithful lover, her mother and brother all at once for the offense of the girl. 

Marine Witchcraft spirit – This is the main spirit that operate in the agents sent from the water as wives.  They operate like mother witches. They are subtle, yet deadly. They have the power to leave their body into the water (spirit) at any time to do evil.


The devil hates anyone who could be a threat to his kingdom. So, the plan to arrested an anointed servant of God, even before he enters the ministry is one of the strategic weapons of Satan against the Church.

The devil will present innocent looking ladies from the water to a young man committed to serving God, or to a young unmarried Pastor.  These young ladies operate with high level of secrecy, patience and deception.
They would normally have good education, appear well cultured, obedient and humble. They pretend to be born again to win the heart of the man and prepare the ground for his down-fall.  Majority of them also have wealthy family background. 

They come lovely at the beginning with the air of a spirit-filled born-again daughter of God who cannot hurt a fly. She would not be the flashy girl that wear trousers, or make-up excessively; No, she would present herself as that committed sister, a soul winner and a worthy labourer in the vineyard of the Lord, and the Pastor would unfortunately accept all these fake report as true. 

So, she is seen as an ideal wife for a man of God. The marriage is quickly arranged and consummated.  From my experience, 90% of these delicate marriages are made when the men are not deep in God, though they are born-again, so adequate spiritual investigation are not carried out.


1. When you discover that shortly after your marriage, things began to fall apart for you. Things that were easy before that time are no longer easy.
2. When you loose your means of livelihood shortly after your wedding, say within two years after your marriage.
3. When your wife does not like to have any of your relation living with you or around you.
4. When your wife find it easy to relate with men instead of women. She is comfortable with male friends in the office and in the compound as though there is nothing to worry about.
5. When your wife joins you in every business endeavour you venture into, whether she understands the business or not. 
6. When your wife likes to make casual visit to her male colleagues and if you allow will like to retain some of her male schoolmate friends. They fall cheaply to male marine agents and value their friendship a lot.
7. When your wife tells you she will not like to have more than  3(Three) children. She would normally have no reason for that decision, except to live a vibrant life.
8. When there is barrenness in marriage for five or more years and it does not bother your wife and her family. 
9. When your effort to succeed in career or business is always doubted by your wife.
10. When your wife begins to spread the news that the barrenness in your marriage is due to the husband's low sperm count.
11. When your ideas discredited by your wife fail on execution regularly. 
12. When your wife is happy to be the "bread winner".  Believes her income is sufficient for the family.
13. When your wife keep asking whether your effort will yield any positive result.
14. When your wife suggests you should focus on business or career instead of ministry.
15. When in ministry and your wife is continually doubting your Calling just because the church has only few members.
16. When you find it very difficult to obtain help from known and unknown sources. When favour  is completely hard to come bye.
17. When you are in ministry and your wife continues in her old church.

This is a serious problem facing Pastors and vibrant men of God today. It is capable of wasting the entire effort of the Pastor and send him to hell fire. These women are destiny hunters who will eventually initiate the children born to the marriage and use their star to gain promotion in the covin.

I fought this battle for many years before victory started coming.  I resisted the conditions I found myself, but found out there was no one to help me. Families and friends deserted me and I was alone. 

When the battle became tough, the network of human demons, Rulers of darkness were gathered against me. As God would have it, the first grand master and strongman in charge died. 

The Lord arrested him and the battle changed, became tougher. When the Pastor is about to be completely delivered, the battle becomes very brutal, the devil increases the powers of the woman, but God would always show you that you are higher than her and even the territorial strongman.

Thank God for our Saviour Jesus Christ who conquered Satan and handed victory to us.

After eighteen years, God turned around my captivity, put me in charge, renewed His Calling upon my life and gave me fresh priority areas to attend to in ministry.

God can do the same for you speedily. With prophetic insight and guidance, your deliverance and restoration will depend on your willingness to obey instruction.  The question is not who saw your star when you were born. No! The question is what have you done to regain your freedom?  

The Lord God Almighty will give you the keys to your freedom as you join us this  month in our Fire in my bone conference.  

Please send an email to register. 

HELP- Office romance is destroying homes


I have a burden for marriages and I'm concerned about the way our behavior and conduct directly or indirectly erodes family values and put marriages in danger. Some of our married sisters have continued to behave as single ladies years after marriage.  There is always a line drawn after marriage for jokes, play and familiarity in general. 

Today, many marriages are sick to the point of comatose because of ignorance, "I don't care attitude and disobedience to the word of God. Some couples are already exploring strange ways to find satisfaction in life as marriage they say, has not been fair to them. Though office romance may not be the only reason for the many separations and divorces we are seeing in marriage today, it has contributed to it or worsened the menace. 

Many who have made their mark in life, intelligent and successful young people have been leveled and brought low in marriage, partly because marriage has no quick fix.  The couples must work out their marriage and commit to its success. They must fear God, love themselves and refuse to be seperated by friends and relatives.

They must also be Committed to the success of their relationship. Marriage is a long distance marathon race, not a sprint. It is not in marriage today that the man will continue to boss the wife around or ignore her feelings, also the wife that thinks because she earns more money than the husband, she will no longer submit to him is not doing well. These are some of the realities that are threatening marriages and frustrating couples, not forgetting childlessness and enemies behind the scene. 

Frustrated women easily fall prey to mischievous male colleagues who try to comfort them with fake words and compliments. Many ladies fall flat to this smart trap, saying her colleague appreciates them more than their husband.This is usually the loophole the enemy uses to gain a foothold on the marriage to attack it either that time or later in the future.
This is because even if the situation is resolved, women hardly close the door of friendship they opened with one or two colleagues during the challenging times. This is one of the ways office romance start for some ladies.

Infidelity or marital unfaithfulness is seriously threatening families today because of lack of fear of God and indiscipline. Many young people think that sleeping with senior officers will give them protection and promotion. In the financial institution, this is very rampant.  Divorcées, single mothers and widowers in high positions entice younger men with pecks in order to satisfy their lust, and many aggressive young married men start platonic relationship with charming ladies, which develop with time to threaten their marriages.  What then is office romance?

This is a simply relationship with a colleague in the office. It is common with spinsters and bachelors who think maybe they can meet their love in the office or those who just cannot control their emotions.  It becomes a worrisome matter when married people are involved. when married men or women abandons their spouse for the man or lady they met in the office, the effect of such relationship, no matter how they cover it, will affect their marriages and relationship at home many years after they have left the work. It could lead to separation, divorce or even untimely death.  Though many reputable organizations frown at it and others has strict rules forbidding it, it however still thrives underground.

Office romance has its price, apart from destroying the home. It causes low productivity and waters-down the authority of a compromising officer over the subordinates. If you are the manager and happen to misbehave with your subordinate, you loose your authority in that office, as your other workers will easily question your judgement. 

Young people who find it difficult to control their emotions will always have their fingers burnt due to office romance. They loose their jobs for sometimes milling round their boss mistress.


In a lot of ways and for many varied reasons, people become drawn to each other in the work place. Some guys will just start greeting and complimenting a married woman/lady, telling her how beautiful she looks.  This behavior is continued until it permeates the lady’s heart and she begins to pay attention to the guy and her dressing everyday.

Some other people devise their own methods of getting close to their target lady or man.  It always ends in a wrong way with one person bearing the brunt, It bring down morale and authority in the work place and many times lead to reduced productivity.

Once in place, office affair make people look forward to going to the office rather than being with their family. It causes people to leave home early in the morning and return very late at night on the excuse of overtime or work overload.
Whenever one is in place, an observant husband or wife will notice the eagerness of his partner to go early to work. Also, there will be a subtle efforts on the partner having the affair to dress better in order to please his office boss/mistress/lover. 


There are many factors responsible for this unhealthy behaviour, but the truth is that most women who do this does not understand their responsibility in marriage. Marriage is a union and not a joining together that leaves any part wholly or partly independent.

After marriage, the lady’s body is not her own alone, but that of  the husband also.  Some of the reasons advanced by women are sickening. Here are some of them:

1. Some women have high sexual drive which their husband cannot meet up with. From where did they get the high sexual drive? - some of them are exposured to blue films and pornography. .After hiding to watch those crazy drug propelled women, without any value for their body, they want to practice same at home. Sister/madam, you are trying to kill your husband!

2. Other women are doing it. hmnnn, who are those other women. some of then are widows, single mothers and divorcees and women who have separated from their husband. These women eager for companion because some of them are lonely.

Instead of them to look up to God and trouble God with prayer without season according to 1 Thessalonians 5:17, some of them are going about helping themselves, falling easily to younger men and sometimes boys. I once stumbled on a young boy who they say was a "powerhouse"; to a matured single mother in Abuja. But unknown to the woman, the young man was also "power housing" the woman's housemaid. This is evil. 

What are the other reasons?

3. They stay long hours in the office, get familiar and share information and jokes. Is all these any cogent reason to destroy your home and/or loose eternity? NO.

4. To get promotion in a competitive and highly rewarding environment.

5. Frustration in their marriage - These category of women discuss their marriage freely with some colleagues who pretend to care about them and even love them more than their husbands. These fake compliments and relationship eventually work against the marriage of the lady.

6. The next reason is laughable - meeting a dude (whatever these funny words mean) who has so much confidence, drive and creativity like their husband. Can you imagine this kind of grammer coming from a married woman. 

A believer working in the office either within or outside his state, should realize the burden of trust and responsibility God and marriage placed on them.  Without knowing some of these basics, and being guided by them, a lot of ladies carry on with their spinster attires, dressing, talking and cracking corrupt jokes with colleagues.  

Some even fill the overtime sheet willing to work after hours. Tell me,  in which reasonable office are married women who have their home and children to care of, are asked to work overtime. I believe that lack of Word of God is also a factor. Where is infidelity when the word of God is dwelling inside of us. 

The Word of God restrain us from many worldly desires and behaviour and focus our mind on the right things. All the talk of high sexual drive would be curtailed as they are caused by things we choose to expose ourselves to. All the lack of interest in sex, low libido, unnecessary use of sexually motivating drugs and drinks will be a thing of the past. Also, with God in a marriage, couples will jointly and honestly address any sexual difficulties that come the way of their joy in marriage.
Any one going into marriage as a Christian should know that marriage is responsibility and not a child’s play.  Marriage is a place to fulfill God’s plan for your life and that of your family. Any one going into marriage should also know that marriage is built on God’s Word, love and trust.

If God is not in your marriage, then Tom, dick and Harry will manipulate and influence the marriage and eventually destroy it. But, if God be in your marriage, by this I mean that both of you have given your heart to Jesus Christ, then the fear of God will guide you.

Love and trust are basic to any successful union. This trust must never be broken as it could bring the relationship to an end. Some people find it difficult to forgive their unfaithful partners, while some think their unfaithful partners cannot change. All these bring strife which eventually bring separation or divorce. Because trust takes time to build, and it strengthens the love among couples, I will suggest the following helpful tips and  guidelines for young people.


Let our sisters take note of the following rules also: 


1. Loss of employment.
2. Loss of respect among colleagues.
3. Moral burden and betrayal of trust.
4. Conflict of interest issues.
5. Loss of authority.
6. The integrity question - Colleagues will start questioning your judgement in certain matters, thinking you are biased.
7. Misconduct: I witnessed one  among fresh recruits in a bank in Lagos some years ago, that led to the sack of the two randy employees. 

The bank was conducting training for fresh graduates newly hired by the bank before their posting. The head of Human Resources went to the Ladies in the cool afternoon when a training session was going on. She heard a lady's ecstatic cry in one of the toilet cabins. The  Lady was urging her young man to go deeper...hmnnn. The head HR, being a woman was shocked and wondered if these were the fresh graduates that will take the bank to the next level..NO. She waited for them to finish and collected their ID. Your guess is as good as mine, why was that - office romance!


1. Any woman that discusses her family issues to colleagues will one day regret it. STOP IT NOW. Every family has issue, why discuss your husband with small boys in your office who are not even up to your husband?. You are not doing well.
2. Avoid over familiarity with colleagues.
3. Avoid unnecessary play and body contact.
4. If you must discuss your marital challenges, let it be with trusted married women for ladies and married man for men. Never with an opposite sex as it may serve as invitation to dialogue.
5. Be professional, focus on your duties. Take your eyes off the opposite sex.
6. Start no mutual friendship that will build excitement between you and a married man or woman.
7. Resist every demonic instincts and impulse. Fear God in all you do in the office.
8. Don't lust for evil things in your heart. Trust in the Lord for your promotion and work hard.
9. Never you take advantage of peoples challenges to exploit them.

Beloved, there is no temptation that you cannot overcome if you are determined. Married men and women, please make a vow of chastity and God will help you to overcome every office or even market place trial in Jesus name.
Guide yourself, your integrity and marriage. If a mischievous man is daily complimenting you in the office, ask him how many times he complimented his wife and rebuke that serpent. He is looking for a loophole to gain access to your life and marriage.  If there are issues at home, help your spouse to overcome it.
All those who have made this regrettable mistake, repent and cry to God for forgiveness. then you forgive yourself and say NEVER AGAIN to this trap of Satan in Jesus name.


Please feel free to email us for questions, help to overcome any marital challenge and prayers. 

Pastor Adeboye: Shocks ambitious pastors, not in a hurry to quit

Pastor E. A, Adeboye
THE Redeemed Christian Church of God, RCCG, yesterday concluded activities marking the 74th birthday anniversary of the church’s General Overseer, Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye and the 30th anniversary of the Special Holy Ghost Service—a divine vision given to the former Mathematics lecturer at the University of Lagos to mark his 44th birthday-30 years ago.

Pastor Enoch Adeboye Pastor Enoch Adeboye The event began with a unique Marathon Messiah’s Praise, a 74-hour non-stop programme aimed at expressing gratitude to God for His mercies upon the life of Pastor E.A. Adeboye, and to create a new pattern of praise in this dispensation. The vision was planted in 2012 to allow God’s children engage in a long lasting spiritual worship experience, and it has grown bigger and blossomed to become the longest gospel musical event globally. 

The marathon praise session dovetailed into the Special Holy Ghost service on Thursday which featured Holy Communion service, special intercessory prayers for nation of the world especially the violent crimes against children. Leading thousands of worshippers to cry against the inhuman act which has become an order of the day in various cities and towns, wife of the General Overseer, Pastor (Mrs.) Folu Adeboye urged the worshippers to pray for the quick release of all kidnapped children in various parts of the country, adding that those involved in the act will not have peace until they release their captives and repent from their wicked activities. 

Adeboye said: “There is another scourge against the children now, and that is kidnapping the little children. We will pray that wherever these kidnappers are, the fire of the Almighty God will fall on them and they will not have peace until they release the children in their custody and repent from their evil activities. ” Admonishing the congregation on the theme of the programme tagged : “The Winning Side”, Daddy G.O. explained that every living being has one battle or challenge to confront in life and that winning means to be victorious and triumphant over such life’s challenges. 
Pointing out characteristics of a winner, Pastor Adeboye described winners as people who sing and dance to appreciate God’s awesomeness in their lives, those who always shout and clap to overcome their enemies. According to him, winners are bold, they persist till the end, submisive and obedient to God’s injunction and faithful in all their dealings. He explained that winners don’t stop at almost successful but rather hold tenaciously to their faith until they are victorious over every life’s battle: “Winners are always persistent to the end. They never stop at almost successful, noting that David had already killed Goliath with a stone but he was not satisfied and he went ahead to cut off his head. “Winners do not just want to be fruitful but very fruitful. 

They are tenacious, not satisfied with half victory but total victory, they keep on pressing forward until they win,” he said. Adeboye also prayed that God will finish the good work He has started in Nigeria. Wife of the General Overseer, Pastor Folu Adeboye urged the people to appreciate God for not allowing the country to disintegrate and bringing to nought all evil prophecies concerning Nigeria. 

She further prayed for God’s fear to reign in the hearts of Nigerians and the Buhari led administration for divine wisdom and God’s fear in the hearts of the leaders for them to lead and lead the masses aright. She said: “Let’s pray for our leaders, from highest to lowest hierarchy that God should help them to walk on the path of righteousness, lead in God’s fear, wisdom, knowledge and understanding.” Earlier, charging the congregation on the theme of the programme, the founder of Living Faith Church, Bishop David Oyedepo, in his message, urged the participants to know who they are in Christ, explaining that the work of redemption has positioned born again Christians as winners and not loosers. 

He added that Satan and his principalities do not have the capacity to prevail over them. Oyedepo further revealed that children of God were not redeemed to struggle with Satan but subdue him, empower their environment and show forth as light and salt of the world. He explained that Christians carry greater potentials than that of biblical Abraham, David, Daniel and that such potentials can only be awaken through dedication to the works of the kingdom, reading the scripture. 

The Bishop who revealed that God has been sustaining him for over 40 years in ministry, urged the people to walk in the covenant of Christ, faith and word of God, adding that they should ensure they are always on the winning side. Congratulating Pastor Adeboye, Bishop Oyedepo said: “God is not yet through with RCCG, the 30th anniversary of Special Holy Ghost service has taken the ministry to another level. 

I am amazed at the ever increasing grace on RCCG.” Ministering in some are the Church mass Choir, local instrumental display by Akwa-Ibom children’s department who mesmerised the audience with various choruses alongside their local instruments. Some of the delegates at the event included Vice President, Prof. Yemi Osinbajo and his wife, Ondo State governor, Dr. Segun Mimiko and his wife, Benue State governor, Mr. Samuel Ortom, and The Chief of General Staff, Lt. Gen. Gabriel Olorunsakin and his wife. 

Earlier, during the ministers’ conference that preceded the HGS, Pastor Adeboye who celebrated a quiet 74th birthday, may have shocked some ambitious pastors in the church when he made a surprise declaration to ministers of the church that though he is advancing in age, he was not in a hurry to depart yet. To the very ambitious members of the church who had been positioning themselves to either take over from him or position their candidates for the coveted post, some of whom had vowed to leave if his successor was not their choice, the General Overseer had an unpleasant birthday present, advising such persons to leave now to avoid future truncation of their destinies. 

According to him, “there is no death in my eyes at all,” revealing that on two previous occasions in 2006 and last year the devil had an opportunity to terminate his life, adding that the evil one failed on both occasions. He didn’t give details of the two attempts at his life though there have been loud suggestions by some church elders for him to retire when he turned 70 few years back just as there had been unconfirmed reports of how he had survived food poisoning. 

There was even a report that one of his provincial pastors once tried to harm him through juju. The man merely emphasized that God had assured him that there is yet a lot to be done and will therefore preserve him for the greater challenge ahead, saying that he was yet to know who would succeed him. “Anybody who wants to go in anger in future is hereby advised to leave now because you may not like the one who would succeed me and if you wait till then to leave, it may adversely affect your destiny then,” he added, arguing that God had assured. 

As if giving a statement of his stewardship on his 74th birthday which coincided with the 30th anniversary of the ongoing special Holy Ghost service, Pastor Adeboye announced that the church now has 16 parishes in Libya, stressing that RCCG has become the first church organisation to benefit from the new development in that country, that apart from the capital, Tripoli, you can now rent a land to establish a church. He then proceeded to inform the church leaders, that God had assured that the church growth has just begun, noting that a new agreement is underway whereby any parish pastor who wants to leave the church would not be allowed to take any church property when he is leaving. 

Pastor Adeboye was born on March 2, 1942 at Ifewara in the present day Osun State to Pa Moses and Esther Adeboye. He obtained a BSc. in Mathematics at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka and subsequently bagged his Ph.D in Applied Mathematics from the University of Lagos and worked as a lecturer in mathematics at the universities of Lagos and Ilorin. After joining the RCCG in 1973, he began working to translate the sermons of its then pastor/founder, Rev. Josiah Olufemi Akindayomi, from Yoruba into English. 

In 1981 Adeboye was appointed General Overseer of the church, taking over from Papa Akindayomi, who had died the previous year. For three years he filled the role part-time, still lecturing at Ilorin, until he gave up the university job to preach full time. Some young pastors in the church have been putting pressure on Pastor Adeboye to vacate the post as it is the custom of the church for any serving official to retire when he clocks 70 years of age. 

But Special Assistant to the General Overseer on Administration and Personnel, Pastor Johnson Odesola debunked that claim, saying that those calling for the retirement of the General Overseer were ignorant of the church’s constitution, arguing that there was nowhere in the legal document that says he should resign or retire. “Whereas the constitution provided that the deputy and assistant general overseers are appointed to retire at 70 and enjoy their retirement benefits for life, there is no such provision for the general overseer,” he stated, adding that on account of such ignorance even among the pastorate, the governing council had agreed that the constitution should be printed into a book and made available to all workers in the church. “People have papers but they don’t read them. 

We have a compendium about the day to day running of the church but people just don’t read. The people who are agitating for the G.O.’s retirement because he is over 70 years are ignorant and the Bible says you don’t become foolish,” Pastor Adesola explained to the journalists.

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